You took my trust Ground it to dust Found out I know better

far in the distance this is the view from the other side
how did i let this pass me by? you took me for granted, blended thorns in this garden of mine.
what are the changes, my hope has died

please have mercy you unnerved me, i don't deserve this pain, no

so don't break my heart i ain't never done nothing to deserve this
 i'm torn apart you've had your fun
do you supposed i earned it?
do you not see how i'm begging on my knees?
don't speak don't breath you bring out the devil in me


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Hallå och välkommen till min blogg. Jag heter Therese Pearly-Jane Karlsson, men blir kallad för Pearly. Jag är en halv filippinsk tjej som går andra året på estetiska progammet, med en inriktning dans. jag älskar att dansa shoppa umgås med mina vänner festa och allt som en vanlig tonårig gör. här i min blogg skriver jag om min vardag, lägger in bilder & även musik som jag gillar! hoppas att ni gillar min blogg.
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